CRLA’s staff works tirelessly to breakdown the educational barriers that exist in California. All California students have a legal right to receive a good education and set them on a path to end the poverty in their community. Recently we have achieved some results that are great victories for our educational advocacy. We are thrilled to share the stories of these cases with you.
A student in the Imperial Valley had been physically and mentally bullied by his peers for three years while in middle school. The student and his parents complained to the school. The school did nothing other than offering to move him out of the only bilingual education classroom available at the school. The student suffered for several years without intervention from the school and developed post-traumatic stress disorder. CRLA filed a lawsuit to fix the district’s inadequate response to bullying.
Click here to read further about this important case!

Litigation Update: As you may recall, CRLA filed a lawsuit to protect students in Kern County. The Kern High School District (KHSD) has been disciplining Latinos and African-American students at a higher rate than their white peers. CRLA and a coalition of civil rights groups were not surprised to learn that the District’s own findings indicate that African American students are subject to double the rates of discipline as white students.
Click here to read more about this development in the case!
Earlier this month, CRLA reached a favorable settlement agreement with the Ventura County Office of Education to protect the education rights of the most vulnerable students in California: juvenile justice youth including low-income students with disabilities and students from non/limited English speaking households. Working with our partner, the Youth Law Center, the County must provide supplemental education services to students who had been denied access to traditional education and forced into alternative schooling.