We provide low-income Californians free legal services related to:

- Unpaid Wages and Overtime
- Employment Discrimination:LGBTQ+, Race, Pregnancy, etc.
- Employment Retaliation
- Health and Safety Violations
- Unemployment Insurance, including COVID-19
- State Disability Insurance

- COVID-19-related eviction defense
- Subsidized Housing, including Section 8 and Public Housing
- Lockouts/Utility Terminations
- Housing Discrimination: LGBTQ+, Race, Family Status, etc.

Public Benefits
- CalWorks (TANF)
- CalFresh (Food Stamps)
- Medi-Cal
- SSI (reduction or overpayments)
- General Relief and
- COVID-19-related benefits

k-12 Education
- School Discipline including Suspensions and Expulsions
- Bilingual Education
- Migrant Education
- Special Education
- LGBTQ+ Student Rights
CRLA will provide an interpreter free of charge.
Call your local office to get started! See our office list here >>
Disclaimer: CRLA offices can differ in the services they provide and the service areas in which they practice. Please contact your local CRLA office for more information about what services are available in your area.