
Bequests: Leave a Legacy in Support of Justice
Remembering CRLA in your will or living trust is a meaningful way to leave a legacy in support of justice. A bequest to CRLA can benefit you today and improve the lives of California's rural, low-income communities for years to come.

A bequest is a transfer of cash, securities, or other property through a will or a living trust. A bequest to CRLA can be made for a specific amount, for a percentage of your estate, or for all or a percentage of what remains after you make bequests to your family. You may designate the use of your bequest for a specific CRLA project or need.

To make a bequest to CRLA, you must sign a new will or living trust instrument, make an amendment to your present trust instrument, or add a codicil to your present will. We encourage you to discuss with CRLA staff the legacy you wish to leave. Discussions can help you draft the language of the bequest and help CRLA uphold the integrity of your charitable vision. Your estate planning attorney will use the language to update your will or living trust. Please see below for information on the kinds of bequests you may make and corresponding sample language.

A bequest costs you nothing now, yet can provide you happiness in knowing that your planned gift will help protect the rights of California's most marginalized communities for generations to come. Even individuals of modest means can make a significant contribution to future generations. You may change your bequest at any time, and if desired you may make a bequest anonymously.

Bequests, which CRLA will acknowledge in its Annual Report, can also provide you an opportunity to receive favorable tax benefits. Please consult your tax preparer for further information.

For more information about planned giving opportunities at CRLA, please contact the CRLA Development team, at 510-267-0762, or All inquiries will be handled in the strictest confidence and incur no obligations on you part.

Information on the kinds of bequests you may make and corresponding sample language you may use in preparing your will or living trust is provided below. CRLA encourages you to consult your estate planning attorney for further assistance.

The outright bequest is the simplest kind of bequest you may make.

Sample language: "I give CRLA, Inc, San Francisco, California, _____ dollars ($_____)."


"I give CRLA, Inc, San Francisco, California, ___ percent (___%) of my estate."


"I give CRLA, Inc, San Francisco, California, ___ ( number of shares of) _______(name of stock) of my estate."

A residuary bequest is a gift of the remainder of your estate that remains after all debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been paid.

Sample language: "I give CRLA, Inc, San Francisco, California, the rest, residue and remainder of my estate."

A contingent bequest will benefit CRLA, Inc. only if your designated beneficiaries predecease you.

Sample language: "In the event my wife does not survive me, I give the sum of $__________ to CRLA, Inc, San Francisco, California."

If you choose to designate the use of your bequest for a specific CRLA project or need, we recommend that you include the following clause:

"If in the opinion of CRLA, Inc. my gift cannot be usefully applied for such a purpose, this bequest may be used for another purpose that CRLA, Inc. believes is most in keeping with my expressed wishes and intent."


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