Pictured From Left to Right Deborah Escobedo (Youth Law Center) Franchesca Gonzalez (CRLA), Kim McGill (FREE LA NOW), Kim McGill, Kevin Guevara, Jesus Bonilla, Eddie Flores, Juan Pena, Gloria Gonzalez, Dayvon Williams, Joey Carmargo, Alberto Cazarez.
CRLA, along with students from FREE LA NOW and the Youth Justice Coalition provided compelling testimony at the Assembly Education Committee in support of State Assembly Member Raul Bocanegra’s AB 2276 which will remove obstacles that students face when trying to re-enroll in school after being released from juvenile detention. Franchesca began the hearing with stories of two CRLA clients who wanted a fresh start after being released from juvenile hall, but found their local school doors closed to them. She was followed by testimony from members of FREE LA NOW who spoke of their personal experiences in trying to reclaim their lives after being released, and finding no help from their local school districts. During the hearing Assemblyman Das Williams (Ventura) thanked Assemblyman Bocanegra for bringing this important bill and for inviting CRLA to provide testimony about our clients and the important work we do for them.