CRLA assists many clients from indigenous communities whose interpretation rights are violated. Photo by David Bacon.
CRLA’s Indigenous Program serves indigenous communities all over California, and many of our indigenous clients require interpretation services in languages other than Spanish. Language Access is a critical part of the program. Recently, the United States Department of Health and Human Services requested public input to inform their rulemaking on the non-discrimination provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the provision of services to Limited English Proficient persons. Maureen Keffer, CRLA’s Indigenous Program Director, provided key insights to DHHS and recommendations about the importance of interpretation and translation for indigenous communities, in languages including Mixteco, Triqui, Zapoteco, and Purepecha. CRLA assists many clients from indigenous communities whose interpretation rights are violated. In one case, a woman woke up from emergency surgery and was released from the hospital without ever being told why she needed an operation. Click here to read Maureen’s recommendations!